TBPD Concept
Total Building Performance and Diagnostics (TBPD) is an integrated and holistic framework for conceptualizing, specifying, designing, analyzing and commissioning a building project and may even be extended to post-occupancy management and maintenance.
TBP is not just about the application of “hi-tech” building systems or materials. TBP seeks to rationally and systematically exploit the synergy of the various relevant technologies and management know-how to bring about desirable building performance at a reasonable and affordable price tag.
Total building performance diagnostics concept
(Source: The Human Dimension in Product and Process Modeling of Green Building Design, Khee Poh Lam)
There are six principal performance mandates in TBPD, namely, spatial, acoustical, thermal, visual, indoor air quality, and building integrity. Each mandate comprises a set of performance targets and relevant diagnostic tools.
The targets are occupant-oriented deliverables that pertain to the environmental or physical attributes of the building which impact the physiological, psychological, social and economic well-being of the occupants. The diagnostic tools are methodologies developed for the evaluation of the building design in terms of the various performance indexes.
Thermal (air temp., humidity, air velocity, radiant temp.)
Visual (lighting levels, contrast, color rendition)
Acoustical (reverberation time, sound pressure level, audibility)
Air Quality (ventilation rate, pollutants)
Spatial (adjacency, accessibility, way-finding, efficiency, ergonomics)
Building Integrity (degradation, movement, chemical and biological attack, fire safety)
Inter-relationship of Total Building Performance Mandates of Bullitt Center
Table Inter-relationships of Mandates.