
Total development costs for the Bullitt Center were $32,500,000, including land cost of $3,380,000, hard cost of $23,360,000, soft cost of $5,290,000, and finance cost of $470,000, which shows in table below. The major sources of funding included equity supplied by the Bullitt Foundation, a bank loan from U.S. Bank, and new markets tax credits (NMTCs).
As we can see from the table, the construction cost of Bullitt Center is $18.16 million, the total floor area is 52000 square feet, the construction cost for per square foot is about $349. According to the international construction cost survey in 2012, the construction cost for office building is about $252 per square foot around the world. However, in the USA, the construction cost is relatively higher than the international level. There are several example office building costs in North America in the survey , the average construction cost is around $429 per square foot, the construction cost for city center office building in Seattle is $427 per square foot. Therefore, the construction cost of Bullitt Center is lower than mean level in Seattle and North America.

The cost information of Bullitt Center